Impact Winter

Anyone remember last year when I wrote that my decreased summer output was because I was writing a book? That was true. I don’t have any similar excuse for the desert that Missile Test has become this summer, but I do have good news. The book I wrote, Impact Winter, has failed to find any representation from an agent in the publishing business. How is that good news? Well, the publishing world’s loss is your gain. I grew tired of waiting for good news, so I banged out a 4th draft and posted the book on Amazon.

What is Impact Winter?

An impact winter is what happens to the climate of the earth following a major comet or asteroid impact. The impact occurs with such energy that massive amounts of ejecta are created. Fine particulate matter, i.e., dust, is flung high up into the atmosphere and it can take many years for it to fall back to earth. The dust enshrouds the planet, impeding light from the sun and lowering global temperatures. In the worst cases, all light from the sun is blocked, and photosynthesis halts, disrupting global food chains.

Humanity has never witnessed something so calamitous in recorded history, but we have gone through harsh winters caused by volcanic eruptions. Were an impact winter to happen, were we forced to survive in a world with no light, where no place on the planet has a temperature above freezing, most, and possibly all of us, would not survive.

That’s the setting for Impact Winter!

It’s a science fiction novel of the post-apocalyptic variety. If that turns you off immediately, then you must work in the publishing business. If that does not, it’s available as an eBook for only $3.99 in the States. That’s an impulse purchase. It’s also an easy read. Impact Winter clocks in at around 80,000 words, or around 280 pages, and no reader should struggle with the prose. It’s not high literature, nor was it ever intended to be. Rather, I had an idea about what life would be like after a big impact event, and I wanted to tell a story.

That’s it. No more self-promotion.

One final note: beginning in only nine days is the Sixth Annual Missile Test October Horrorshow! For an entire month I will watch and post reviews of horror films. The good, the bad, the doesn’t matter, so long as there is blood, and plenty of it. I love horror flicks, and I love writing about them. There is no month in the fall season that I look forward to, other than October, and that is only because it’s a great time to watch horror. Every other month in this season is a total drag. All the green things turn brown and the air gets cold. It’s that simple. Autumn sucks because it seems like the world is dying. Thank goodness I can spend a month watching fake snuff films to take my mind off things.