The midterm elections were two days ago, now, and the anecdotal consensus from friends and family is that it was not the best of nights for the Democrats. I don’t agree. The Democrats took back the House of Representatives from the Republicans despite having to overcome partisan gerrymandering, voter suppression, voting machines that were never designed or intended to be 100% accurate, and possible manipulation by the Russian government. Continue reading “Cocksuckers Ball: It Was a Good Day”
Tag: Elections
Trumpster Fire Day 385: Are We Sure the Election Wasn’t Rigged?
In reporting yesterday from NBC News, head of cybersecurity at the Department of Homeland Security, Jeanette Manfra, said, “We saw a targeting of 21 states and an exceptionally small number of them were successfully penetrated.” This comes five months after Homeland Security notified those 21 states that Russian government hackers had been targeting them, and a full 17 months after NBC News reported attempted hacking. So far, only Illinois has confirmed that the hackers had been able to gain access to its systems. Continue reading “Trumpster Fire Day 385: Are We Sure the Election Wasn’t Rigged?”