No, No, No! We Do NOT Need This.

If one is like me, an American with a smartphone, then one probably got a test of FEMA’s Presidential Alert system:

If one is also like me, then one thinks the United States government just overstepped its bounds. Our relationship with politics and politicians in this country is toxic. Our government is full of self-important bureaucrats and elected leaders who think that everything they do is of critical substance. It is not. Continue reading “No, No, No! We Do NOT Need This.”

Trumpster Fire Day 251: An Ongoing Disaster

Puerto Rico got walloped by Hurricane Maria. The storm made landfall on Puerto Rico as a category 4 hurricane seven days ago, now. Maria destroyed the territory’s electricity transmission infrastructure, and the vast majority of the territory is still without electrical power, with all the attending problems that causes. Food is running out, potable water is in desperate short supply, and it could be months before power is restored. Continue readingTrumpster Fire Day 251: An Ongoing Disaster”